PlantSight Essentials Help

Version Comparison

This feature is used to compare i-model versions and views.

Layout and Settings

Version Comparison consists of two panels, one showing the version status of the i-model, and one listing Saved Views and 3D Models. Clicking on the saved views or models opens them in Version Comparison. These can be manipulated using the same tools as you would in the Viewer 2D view and 3D views.

Settings Clicking the gear icon at the top of the screen opens an option menu used for communicating with the project team and to adjust Settings.
Share an Idea Opens the Bentley iTwin Services Ideas site where you can share and view ideas with any one who wishes to join the discussion.
Report a Problem Used to report an issue or problem to Bentley. Opens a Service Request form for submittals.
Collect Diagnostics To copy diagnostic information to add to a Problem Report. Opens a dialog containing the diagnostics information. Select Save to File to save the information to a text file, or Copy Diagnostics to copy the contents to the clipboard.
User Settings Opens the Settings page where you can manage Measurement tool units, Selected object highlight color, and Set GPU memory limit for the Viewer.
Latest Version Confirmation Lists the model information and a determination of whether it is the latest version or not.
Saved Views Displays Saved Views for review. Clicking a saved view opens it in Viewer.
Show All Views When enabled, all views are listed in the panel.
Search Views Lets you search the list of Saved Views.
List Arranges the Saved Views in list form with a small preview.
Thumbnails Arranges the Saved Views in a thumbnail gallery.
3D Models Displays 3D models in a hierarchical tree view. Select a model and click Enter Model to open it in Viewer.